another step toward a sustainable future
Protecting the working wilderness
In 2013 we took another step toward our goal to protect the Borderlands from subdivision and development. Long-termsuccess of our work requires that land protection goes hand-in-hand with habitat restoration and management to reducegrassland deterioration.
We have protected an additional 609 acres on the Glenn family’s Malpai Ranch. Most of the ranch is already protected by an earlier conservation easement. The Glenns recently acquired the 609 acres from a neighboring ranch and wanted to protect that land as well. This property is a high priority for protection because the Malpai Ranch is the closest to the San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge and so is critical as watershed buffer protection for the refuge. Also, the property lies along Geronimo Trail Road near the western edge of our planning area towards Douglas, which is a key area where development could encroach on the Borderlands. We could not have completed this important step without the help of our many supporters.